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1 Destro  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 9:08:17am

Enough with superstition over science already.

2 CriticalDragon1177  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 9:38:23am


I may have my disagreements with Dawkins, especially on when it comes to the existence of God, but he's right about Evolution. The only controversy there is really when it comes to weather or not life on Earth evolved or was created in six literal days is because of ignorance or an unwillingness to accept reality.

3 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 10:34:24am

My issue with Dawkins is only limited to his description of religion.

Faith cannot be limited to texts only.

I view behavior as a more definitive description of religion. If religion elicits more moral behavior, then the effect of religion is good.

On the other hand if the behavior elicited by religion is not good then that religion has a negative impact.

This applied to any influence on moral behavior.

4 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:16:07am

re: #3 researchok

Dawkins has repeatedly criticized behaviors as well as the texts.

5 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:41:56am

re: #4 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter


I'm sure Mother Teresa and the founders of leper colonies are juicy Dawkins targets.


My point is there are believers who live elevated lives predicated on their faith.

Conversely, there are non believers who love awful and immoral lives.

Bad people are bad people not matter what they do or do not believe.

6 jc717  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:43:31am

re: #5 researchok


I'm sure Mother Teresa and the founders of leper colonies are juicy Dawkins targets.


My point is there are believers who live elevated lives predicated on their faith.

Conversely, there are non believers who love awful and immoral lives.

Bad people are bad people not matter what they do or do not believe.

Actually, she was a target of Hitchens who wrote Missionary Position about her scam 'charities' and acted as the Devil's Advocate at the Vatican during her sainthood process.


7 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 11:50:03am

re: #5 researchok

Way to beat up a straw man. I didn't say otherwise and neither does Dawkins.

8 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 12:03:06pm

re: #6 jc717

I am well aware of Hitchen's take on Mother Teresa.

However, we were talking about Dawkins.

9 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 12:03:46pm

re: #7 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter

Point taken.

10 SidewaysQuark  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 12:16:06pm

re: #6 jc717

Actually, she was a target of Hitchens who wrote Missionary Position about her scam 'charities' and acted as the Devil's Advocate at the Vatican during her sainthood process.


One of the requirements for "sainthood" is the performance of a miracle. Thus, there actually are no saints.

11 jc717  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 12:22:30pm

re: #10 SidewaysQuark

One of the requirements for "sainthood" is the performance of a miracle. Thus, there actually are no saints.

Catholics can make their own rules about this stuff. They can consider a card trick to be a miracle for all I care (SNL). I always thought that the whole saints idea made Catholicism into a polytheistic religion.

12 SidewaysQuark  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 12:31:13pm

re: #11 jc717

Catholics can make their own rules about this stuff. They can consider a card trick to be a miracle for all I care (SNL). I always thought that the whole saints idea made Catholicism into a polytheistic religion.

True, but what major religion isn't somewhat polytheistic? Even Islam has Djinn and Angels, immortal beings of great power (a.k.a. "demigods"). Those aside, even "Prophets" are imbued with hints of divine power. Take away the polytheistic vestiges and you're left with a religion centered only around God, with no earthly incarnations of His power, and thus no messengers with the authority to deliver "divine laws" with which to control masses of people.

13 Destro  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 1:49:52pm

re: #5 researchok


I'm sure Mother Teresa and the founders of leper colonies are juicy Dawkins targets.


My point is there are believers who live elevated lives predicated on their faith.

Conversely, there are non believers who love awful and immoral lives.

Bad people are bad people not matter what they do or do not believe.

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu ('Mother' Teresa) has been hailed the world over as an unsurpassed savior of the world's destitute.

In this video, broadcast on the BBC in 1994, however, Christopher Hitchens places the Roman Catholic nun, her ideology, and her activities under the microscope, and questions whether she deserved the praise she received.

14 Destro  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 1:58:40pm

re: #12 SidewaysQuark

I am starting to think god is a 12year old boy and we are his version of the SIMS video game.

15 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 5:06:40pm

re: #13 Destro


Another pivot and attack?

We've covered this ground already.

We were not talking about Hitchens.

But is interesting to note you your derision for Mother Teresa.

Speaks volumes. About you.

And no, you aren't Hitchens. He had his opinions, but he wasn't a liar.

You know, like you.

16 researchok  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 5:11:42pm

re: #14 Destro


You come up with notion that God is young boy.

A therapist's dream.

17 Locker  Thu, Sep 6, 2012 5:57:40pm

re: #12 SidewaysQuark

Buddhism. No "God" to worship. Perfection comes from within.

18 Destro  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 6:15:07am

re: #16 researchok

There is no god of course, but if there was one, the Abrahamic gad acts like a little boy throwing a tantrum and jealous affection shown to another sibling and breaks vases and sets fire and melts his toys.

19 SidewaysQuark  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 6:29:47am

re: #17 Locker

Buddhism. No "God" to worship. Perfection comes from within.

I'd contend the core tenets of Buddhism aren't very religious at all, but are more of a rejection of such - in practice, though, its practitioners tend to get wrapped up in the lot of the same supernaturalist baggage that weighs down all religions, though.

20 SidewaysQuark  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 6:30:51am

re: #14 Destro

I am starting to think god is a 12year old boy and we are his version of the SIMS video game.

[Embedded content]

12 years old? Even the most fundamentalist practitioners don't try to claim he's younger than 6,000 years old.......

21 Destro  Fri, Sep 7, 2012 1:35:08pm

re: #20 SidewaysQuark

Actually, I was kind of riffing on a theory that states reality functions like a computer simulation.


So image we are some kid's version of Word of Warcraft or the SIMS.

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